Full Denim Jacket Skinsuit

This one was a real labour of love.

Full Denim Jacket was (still is?) a group of friends who convened in a London bike shop the Greyharbours used to run. We loosely formed a ‘team’ but really it was more of a friendship circle who had a couple of sponsors. Collectively we hosted events and races and alleycat competitions. We competed in various cycling competitions nationally and internationally and even occasionally found ourselves on podiums. We made life long friendships around the world and many of the team went on to bigger and better things, both as athletes and key members in the London cycling community with brands and shops and such. We couldn’t be more proud of everyone involved.

Our riding style was aggressive and we were renowned for taking it to the edge and subsequently, we crashed.
A lot.

We made this skinsuit design with our friend and teammate Tom Robinson. The main joke is that there’s a four colour camouflage pattern but the camo itself is made from the silhouettes of wounds and scabs we sustained whilst riding.

You’ll see that the suit didn’t alter our luck much and we still continued to crash in competition!


Shibori T-Shirts


Small Big Muff